Saturday, November 15, 2008

Waiting for 34 weeks.

Mommy had to stay in bed a lot lately, because she had been having too many contractions.  The doctor said she needed to wait until I was big enough before she could be active again.  She got really bored and even did some of her classes via the internet to keep up with things.  I did my best to entertain her by actively playing in her belly and even often tickling her ribs.  

One day Mommy & Daddy put music to Mommy's belly so I could hear.  I loved it so much I danced around the whole time.  


Stephanie said...

Contractions! That stinks. I had contractions pretty early with Alex. Funny thing was, I didn't know they were contractions.
They were painful. Would keep me up half the night. I just thought I was having back pains. Found out in labor that for 2 weeks prior to my water breaking, I was having contractions. Your goin early. Hope I didn't jynx you. One piece of advice. EAT! Eat the whole ride to the hospital cause once you get there, all you get is water and ice! You'll be a great momma.

As for the restaraunt, not the same one. We took you girls to Henny's in Stone Harbor. I remember. There are a ton of nice places around here.