Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mommy at 31 Weeks.

Mommy says having a big belly is really weird. The bigger I grow the bigger Mommy's belly gets. I am growing a little more every day.

Mommy and Daddy also found out recently that I am going to have two new cousins (twins) born just a few months after me. So, I won't be the littlest one for very long!

Mommy and Friends

Here is Mommy (30 weeks) with two of her old roommates from college at BYU-Idaho, Kortney and Kari. 

This picture was taken at Kortney's baby shower.  All three friends have had or are due to have their babies in the same year (2008).  Kari's boy (Garrick) was born in May, Kortney's girl (Kennady) was born in October, and I haven't decided when I'm going to be born.  I'm thinking November or December, whenever is the best surprise for mommy & daddy.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

October 3rd, 2008

Daddy found a friend he knew from Argentina while they were walking around Temple Square in Salt Lake City. I guess she's given one to many presentations because she is presenting me in mommy's belly.

Mommy is 28 weeks along in this picture.

September 29, 2008

Mommy is 27 weeks 4 days along here.

Mommy and Daddy at Uncle Paul Lusk's funeral.