She's got PERSONALITY! And LOTS of it!

A warm Spring day in Idaho:
Playing with her kittens.

Look Daddy, I caught one!

I don't want to be a toddler model!

Mommy made me a new skirt! Fun fun!

Random Favorites:
Playing dress-up with Mommy.

My first horse ride.

Talk talk talk with Uncle Rob.

Taking a nice nap with Daddy.

One long day at the mall!
Trying on pretty outfits, and silly ones too. Here Charity was enjoying twirling in front of the mirrors watching the dress twirl with her.

Made a new friend. Sadly it wasn't a candy necklace.


Did I mention it was a long day?

All the pictures are great but especially the curlers and Charity in the grass with the kitties. I want to know how to make skirts! Teach me!!
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