Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Name

Mommy and Daddy have finally decided on a name for me. Of course that name could change easily after they finally meet me face to face.

My name is Charity Alene Stimpson

Charity was chosen because it is unique, but my teachers will know how to spell and pronounce it. But mostly, Charity was chosen because of its meanings. Charity means kindness, love, compassion, generosity, mercy. Charity is "the highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; [it is] the pure love of Christ". Mommy and Daddy say that if they could teach me only one thing it would be that I am loved, by them and by Christ. They hope that I will live up to my name and understand it's importance for me.

The name Alene means precious, awakening, light, ray of sun, shining light, and good looking. Alene is my great-grandmother's, Nancy Alene McCain, middle name. I guess I will have a lot to live up to with this name as well. Alene is also another form of Helene which is my great-great-grandmother's, Helene Churchill, name. Grandma McCain said that she was actually given the name of Alene because it is a combination of her daddy and mommy's names (Al and Helene).