Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Daddy thinks it's funny when I get the hiccups. This time he video taped me because my hiccups rocked me to sleep in my bouncer.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cute As A Button

2 Days Old

Friday, December 26, 2008

More Pictures

Sorry no time for writing.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Charity Alene Stimpson

Born at 12:15 am December 24, 2008
7 pounds 3 ounces
19 1/2 inches long

Sunday, December 14, 2008

38 Weeks

Mommy and Daddy are simply waiting until the day that I arrive. They are all done with school for the semester and the winter has come. There is lots of snow and ice on the road now, and Mommy fears having a nightmare come true where she is forced to ride a snowmobile to the hospital so that I can be born. Mommy and Daddy say they have posted an eviction notice on Mommy's belly saying that I have to be out of there by Daddy's birthday (Dec 23rd). I think they are too silly. But at least I'd be there for Christmas. Mommy and Daddy have already bought and hung my Christmas stocking and Grandma Stimpson had started buying me Christmas clothes since last year. They'll just have to wait to see what I decide.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

37 Weeks and Counting

Mommy and Daddy are just sitting and waiting for the day I decide to be born. I am 37 weeks along now and am considered full term. I'm pretty sure Mommy's ready to not be pregnant anymore, and Daddy can't wait to count my tiny fingers and toes.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Baby Shower

Mommy's friend, Kari threw her a baby shower this weekend. She brought her camera to take pictures, but only remembered she had it when my cousin Cody was being silly. The shower was held at a Chinese restaurant to be able to hold all the people. I got several good gifts, which Mommy opened for me, from my family and Mommy's friends. My cousins Collin and Ryan come all the way up from Logan, UT to celebrate with Mommy and Daddy. Daddy had a fun time playing with Collin during the shower.

Thanksgiving Day

Here is a picture of Mommy on Thanksgiving Day. I am about 36 weeks along here. I think Mommy would have been pretty thankful if I chose to be born this day, but she'll be happy whenever I do come. Mommy is showing off the peach pie that she made for Thanksgiving dinner. Daddy really liked to eat it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Name

Mommy and Daddy have finally decided on a name for me. Of course that name could change easily after they finally meet me face to face.

My name is Charity Alene Stimpson

Charity was chosen because it is unique, but my teachers will know how to spell and pronounce it. But mostly, Charity was chosen because of its meanings. Charity means kindness, love, compassion, generosity, mercy. Charity is "the highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; [it is] the pure love of Christ". Mommy and Daddy say that if they could teach me only one thing it would be that I am loved, by them and by Christ. They hope that I will live up to my name and understand it's importance for me.

The name Alene means precious, awakening, light, ray of sun, shining light, and good looking. Alene is my great-grandmother's, Nancy Alene McCain, middle name. I guess I will have a lot to live up to with this name as well. Alene is also another form of Helene which is my great-great-grandmother's, Helene Churchill, name. Grandma McCain said that she was actually given the name of Alene because it is a combination of her daddy and mommy's names (Al and Helene).

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Waiting for 34 weeks.

Mommy had to stay in bed a lot lately, because she had been having too many contractions.  The doctor said she needed to wait until I was big enough before she could be active again.  She got really bored and even did some of her classes via the internet to keep up with things.  I did my best to entertain her by actively playing in her belly and even often tickling her ribs.  

One day Mommy & Daddy put music to Mommy's belly so I could hear.  I loved it so much I danced around the whole time.  

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mommy at 31 Weeks.

Mommy says having a big belly is really weird. The bigger I grow the bigger Mommy's belly gets. I am growing a little more every day.

Mommy and Daddy also found out recently that I am going to have two new cousins (twins) born just a few months after me. So, I won't be the littlest one for very long!

Mommy and Friends

Here is Mommy (30 weeks) with two of her old roommates from college at BYU-Idaho, Kortney and Kari. 

This picture was taken at Kortney's baby shower.  All three friends have had or are due to have their babies in the same year (2008).  Kari's boy (Garrick) was born in May, Kortney's girl (Kennady) was born in October, and I haven't decided when I'm going to be born.  I'm thinking November or December, whenever is the best surprise for mommy & daddy.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

October 3rd, 2008

Daddy found a friend he knew from Argentina while they were walking around Temple Square in Salt Lake City. I guess she's given one to many presentations because she is presenting me in mommy's belly.

Mommy is 28 weeks along in this picture.

September 29, 2008

Mommy is 27 weeks 4 days along here.

Mommy and Daddy at Uncle Paul Lusk's funeral.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Barefoot and Pregnant

22 Weeks Along

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'm a GIRL!!!

Here are pictures of me just under 20 weeks along.  

I made sure I put my thumb in my mouth just in time for my close up.  

Aren't I cute!  Mommy and Daddy think so. They are really happy and really excited.  

I will be the first granddaughter on both Mommy's and Daddy's side of the family.  The first grandchild on Daddy's side.  

I'm half way there!  Already in your hearts and soon to be in your life as well.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

19 Weeks

Mommy is 19 weeks along with me.  I should be measuring between 5 1/2 to 6 inches from my head to my bottom.  Mommy's belly is getting pretty big, and she's been sorting her clothes and putting away those that won't fit her again until after I am born.

In 6 days Mommy and Daddy get to find out if I am a boy or a girl.  That'll mean lots of gifts for me soon after!  Mommy can't wait and wishes the date were sooner.  

Saturday, July 5, 2008

12 1/2 Weeks

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Little Gummy Bear

Doctor says I'm 9 weeks along here (about 7 weeks old). He says I'm doing well and growing fast.
Mommy says I look like a little Gummy Bear, and I'm just about that size now too.
Daddy can't wait until I'm big enough so he can hear my little heart beat.